
Name That Pokemon!

Name That Pokemon!

By Angelique Inchierca, Katy Savage

January 30, 2025

In honor of all of the recent Pokémon hype, we had our community editor try and Name That Pokémon! 🎶

Missed the news?

✨ 2025 is Year of the Eevee! Pokémon released exclusive Eevee (and evolutions) merch and plushies.

✨ Pokémon and McDonalds are collaborating by giving out Poké Decks in their Happy Meals! New Poké Stops are also appearing at these locations.

✨ Pokémon Trading Card Game Pocket released in app stores in October of 2024.

@granitepost In honor of all of the recent Pokémon hype, we had our community editor try and Name That Pokémon! 🎶 How did she do? Let us know your favorites in the comments! 💬 😂 #pokemon #namethatpokemon #funny ♬ pokémon gym ~ pokémon blue lofi – Kayou. Beats


  • Angelique Inchierca

    Raised in Southern New Hampshire, Angelique has worked in a wide variety of journalistic positions. From newspapers, to marketing, to broadcasting studios, she's excited to get Granite Staters' voices HEARD! She happily classifies as a Zillennial.

  • Katy Savage

    Katy Savage is an award-winning reporter with more than 10 years of experience working in daily, weekly and digital news organizations as both an editor and reporter. Katy is a New England native and has a passion for telling stories about where she grew up.


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Colin Booth
Colin Booth, Chief Political Correspondent
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