
NH voter’s guide: Meet the gubernatorial race candidates

NH voter’s guide: Meet the gubernatorial race candidates

By Colin Booth

August 13, 2024

The 2024 race for New Hampshire governor is emerging as one of the most significant contests in the nation. With Republican Governor Chris Sununu stepping down after more than six years in office, the contest has attracted top contenders from both parties, each vying to shape the future of the Granite State.

Democratic primary — Sept. 10 

The Democratic primary features three Democrats: Joyce Craig, Cinde Warmington, and Jon Kiper.

Joyce Craig: The former Mayor of Manchester, Joyce Craig, is another key player in the Democratic primary. Craig has been praised for her leadership in revitalizing New Hampshire’s largest city, focusing on issues like affordable housing, economic development, and public safety. Her campaign is built on practical solutions to the state’s challenges, and she has positioned herself as a candidate with executive experience who can bring about real change. Craig’s strong connections to voters in New Hampshire’s largest urban center and her success in local governance make her a significant contender in the race.

Cinde Warmington: Warmington, a current member of the New Hampshire Executive Council, is running on a platform centered around healthcare access, reproductive rights, and environmental protection. In some ways she has positioned herself as the more progressive choice among established political figures in the primary, advocating for expanded healthcare services, action on climate change, and stronger public education. Warmington’s experience on the Executive Council, where she has been a vocal advocate for progressive causes, has garnered support from the more liberal wing of the state Democratic Party.

Jon Kiper: A political newcomer, Kiper is a small business owner who is positioning himself as the most progressive candidate in the race. His campaign seeks to attract voters who are looking for a dramatic change in leadership. Kiper’s entry into the race adds another dimension to the Democratic primary, which features established political figures like Cinde Warmington and Joyce Craig​.

Republican primary – Sept. 10 

The Republican primary is set to be a high-profile battle between two of the state’s most prominent far right conservative figures: Kelly Ayotte and Chuck Morse.

Kelly Ayotte: Ayotte, a former U.S. Senator who represented New Hampshire from 2011 to 2017, is one of the most recognizable names in the race. She is hoping to associate herself with Gov. Chris Sununu as often as possible. She has re-endorsed Donald Trump for president after having previously un-endorsed Trump for his remarks on sexually assaulting women in 2016, leaving some primary voters questioning her authenticity around Republican values. She has also been forced to attempt to rebrand her position around abortion, after having previously voted for a national abortion ban and restrictions on IVF while serving in the senate.

Chuck Morse: Former State Senate President Chuck Morse is a formidable contender in the Republican primary. Known for his deep understanding of state finances and his work on fiscal policy, Morse has built a reputation as a pragmatic, business-friendly leader. His campaign focuses on issues like tax reform, job creation, and maintaining New Hampshire’s low-tax environment. Morse has strongly aligned himself with Donald Trump and his deeply conservative positions across a range of issues.

The stakes in the 2024 gubernatorial election

The 2024 gubernatorial race in New Hampshire is critical for both parties. For Democrats, winning the governorship represents an opportunity to implement progressive protections for reproductive rights stripped away by Donald Trump’s Supreme Court appointees. It also gives them an opportunity to gain control of the state’s executive branch for the first time in nearly a decade. For Republicans, retaining control of the governor’s office would continue their fragile hold on the state legislature and give Sununu a stronger platform to run for higher office in the future.

Given New Hampshire’s status as a swing state in national elections, the outcome of this race will be closely watched by both local and national observers. The state’s political landscape is increasingly competitive, and the gubernatorial race is expected to be tight, with both parties fighting hard to win over independent voters.

Are you ready to vote? Make sure to check your voter registration status, see who’s on your ballot, and make a voting plan here.


  • Colin Booth

    Based in Epsom, Colin Booth is Granite Post's political correspondent. A Granite State native and veteran political professional with a deep background in journalism, he's worked on campaigns and programs in battleground states across the country, ranging from New Hampshire, Texas, Pennsylvania and Washington D.C.

CATEGORIES: Election 2024
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